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- Sylvia Colley
Ask Me to Dance
Ask Me to Dance Read online
Sylvia Colley
To my daughter, Catherine,
and in memory of her sisters Juliet and Victoria
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
A Note on the Author
Chapter 1
I wasn’t really listening. It was just a habit I’d got into, putting on the radio. It numbed the silence, that hum hum of voices. But I wasn’t listening, just concentrating on the journey.
I was lucky with the weather – a clear, blue June day, the sun warm through the window – but I was anxious about making this journey alone, and had hardly slept, as I didn’t know the way and was relying on the map and the scrawled address stapled to it. But now that I was on my way I felt unexpectedly buoyant, proud of myself and decided to stop for a coffee and cigarette. Cigarettes were a comfort. Of course, it shouldn’t have been like this. Not like this at all. If things had gone as they should have, like in the normal life you expect and kind of take for granted – so stupidly, of course – Peter and the kids would have been here. Anyway, I wouldn’t have been going alone to a monastery. We’d have been going on holiday somewhere or having a day out. But that was not how things had worked out and I was ill and the doctor had organised the whole thing. A retreat, they called it and I didn’t argue, because I didn’t care that much one way or the other. It took less energy just to go along with things.
My hands were sweaty with gripping the steering wheel too hard and I needed a loo, so when I saw a roadside café, a kind of truck-drivers’ place, I pulled into the parking lot at the side. It was a prefabricated hut, really, but with a blue-and-white awning over a couple of white plastic tables with chairs. No one outside, but inside a group of truckers I guessed, all familiar with the place and each other. They stared at me and I gave a nod, confident that I looked OK in the green jeans and white blouse. Vanity, in spite of everything. You could laugh!
Two girls stood behind a counter with glass cases protecting various cakes and scones from the odd fly and wasp that hung around.
I asked about the ladies and the tallest of the two pointed. ‘Outside and round the back. Round the back there,’ she said. She was most likely doing a Saturday job; too young to have left school.
When I returned, I saw the coffee on a table near the men. They looked up vacantly as I picked it up and took it outside. The tabletop was cracked and pretty grimy and I did wonder whether anyone ever bothered to sit outside with the passing traffic and petrol fumes. But I could smoke and think and be alone, which is what I wanted just then. I wasn’t alone for long though, as a grey four-by-four pulled up and the man and woman inside studied the café, the woman turning to say something to the three children in the back. In the end, they all got out and the children ran inside calling for ice cream and Coke. I watched as the woman opened her bag and handed the man money. I smiled as they passed and raised my eyebrows as if to say, ‘I know! Been there! Got the T-shirt!’
They went to the other table, the man asking if he could take the spare chairs from mine. The children shrieked and fidgeted, slipping off their chairs to chase around the table. The woman leaned towards the man and he grabbed the youngest child and swung him onto his knee. The woman called, ‘Come here, Paul, and drink your Coke,’ and the boy dragged his sister to the table. I could hear the woman’s quiet tones as she bent towards her husband and he took out a handkerchief and wiped the face of the wriggling child. I couldn’t help staring at them, couldn’t take my eyes off them, but they were too wrapped up in themselves to notice me.
I thought, What the hell am I doing here? Who is this sitting here quiet and alone? Moving on, moving on through time. The body moving; the self somewhere else.
I finished the coffee and went in to pay. Simple. Why bother to mention paying, except, you see, I couldn’t find the right money in my purse. I knew it was there, that I had enough, but I couldn’t make out £1.25. I couldn’t work it out, so, panicking, I took out a £10 note instead.
Then the trembling started and the vague feeling of foreboding overcame me again, so I sat in the car and lit another cigarette and took deep breaths and all that stuff and wanted to go home, to my childhood home. I wanted my father. Wanted my father! Ever heard of a grown woman saying that? Anyway, I just sat there until the panic passed well enough for me to get on my way.
I missed the turning to the monastery, going up and down the winding lane several times. I had expected to see a large name announcing the place, but in fact there was simply a small metal sign swinging from a post, almost hidden by the branches of an overhanging tree. In faded white paint it read Burnham Abbey, with an arrow underneath, pointing towards a narrow driveway. I turned the car into the unmade track, dark in the shadows of heavy-leafed maple trees.
I came across the abbey suddenly; it stood in sunshine, long and white and deserted. The car was throbbing intrusively in the stillness, seemed so loud; I had the urge to just stop and walk, but I shouted at myself. I do shout out loud sometimes. Then I shouted, ‘Get a bloody grip, you stupid cow. There’s nothing to be anxious about.’ And so, I drove up to the flagged area outside the front door.
It was very quiet once I had turned off the engine. Not a sound. No one about. I wasn’t sure whether to take my stuff out of the car or to knock first, just to make sure they really were expecting me. Then I heard a cuckoo echoing from a distance; a hollow reed, bell-like and persistent and that lovely sound carried with it memories of sun blowing through blue cotton curtains in that other life when the cuckoo call symbolised long, hot summer days. We had followed the call once, me and the children, and saw the cuckoo high in the elm tree the other side of the river.
I opened the boot and pulled out my holdall and a carrier bag filled with my sketch pads, paints and brushes, because I had imagined gardens like French chateau gardens and thought I would be able to find beautiful and secluded spots where I could paint, but I left the easel behind because I thought it might all seem a bit much. I shoved my battered straw hat onto the back of my head.
You could tell the place was badly run down, for the huge front door, which must have been magnificent once, was covered in feathered, flaking green paint and the doorknob was black with tarnish. I knew they were closing down soon, relocating to join another monastery in Wiltshire somewhere, yet were still taking visitors. Or so I thought. It would be like a hotel with a few prayers now and then. People would be charming and friendly and I would possibly make new friends. That’s what I thought.
My hands full, I managed to push the bell with my chin, but
nobody answered. I felt so alone. Helpless. Unsure what to do. In the end, I put down my stuff and opened the door. Obviously, like churches, the doors remained unlocked during the day. I pushed my way in and piled my luggage against a wall, my hat on top, and stood in the shadows by the door.
In the great square hall with its wooden floors and dust-covered table, the smell caught me by surprise, reminding me of school dinners, that sickening, tepid smell of boiled fish. I was shocked. There were two doors, one either side of the hall, both shut, but, wherever it was coming from, the smell of cooking was heavy in the air. Yet opposite me, French windows opened onto lawns, yellow in the sunlight, where surely the air would be fresh.
On the right was the long, dusty table with books on it and a brass bell, and there I saw a faded notice propped against the bell, which read Please ring.
I couldn’t bring myself to ring the bell immediately, the sound shocking the silence, so I stood for a while looking out of the windows at the lawns that sloped up and away from the house and at the trees surrounding the lawns: beech, oak and blue-black cypress.
Still no one came, so I knew I had to ring the bell, deciding that if this brought no one, I was definitely going home. Then suddenly, making me jump, a door on the right opened and this tiny figure appeared, shuffling towards me. He looked grubby and unkempt, his brown habit marked with food stains, and he wore slippers. He came up so close, his breath hot and sour in my face, all the time grinning at me. I felt him touching me. I didn’t like it and moved away. He smelled of fish and dirt and I thought he was revolting.
‘They’re all in chapel.’ he shouted. ‘But I’m in the kitchen.’
‘I’m Rose Gregory. I’ve booked in for a few days.’
But he wasn’t listening, kept turning his head towards the door as if he was doing something wrong, as if he was expecting someone to come through the door.
‘Mustn’t let Francis come in here.’ And he exhaled a long hum, shaking his head, still grinning. ‘Not allowed.’ And he shook his head backwards and forwards with a, ‘No No No!’ He turned to me. ‘It’s fish today. Should have been Friday but the delivery didn’t come in time.’ He gave a kind of choke. ‘So, we’re having it today instead. Father is not pleased.’ Then he turned to go, calling back, ‘Have you come for lunch?’
My nervousness was beginning to turn to rage. ‘I’ve come to stay. I arranged it with Father Godfrey a week ago.’
Suddenly he seemed to understand but said nothing, just shuffled past me and through the French windows. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I picked up all my bits and pieces and followed him. He turned round to look at me but didn’t speak.
‘Am I supposed to be following you?’ I called, but he just shunted onwards, mumbling to himself.
I thought, God help me. I’ve come to a lunatic asylum. I want wisdom. Guidance. Healing. But I’ve come to a lunatic asylum. Ah well. We can all be mad together.
He turned around as he was hurrying. ‘It’s just you.’
‘Just me what?’ I had imagined visitors sitting in deckchairs in the garden, reading, talking to each other, walking together into meals, smiling with recognition. I could not believe I was going to be alone amongst these peculiar monks. All alone.
We crossed the lawn to the left and turned down a path, which wound through overgrown rhododendrons, heavy with blossoms, emerging to reveal a low prefabricated building surrounded by a cracked and weedy concrete path. The quivering monk opened one of the doors on the long side of the building, looked inside, and then shut it again. His head was continually nodding and he seemed rather agitated. ‘Not that one. We don’t get many these days.’
It was the third door that he finally opened and let me through. The sunlight caught the stubble on his face as he watched me like a curious child. His faded blue eyes watered.
‘How long are you staying?’ he asked, and he grinned before turning away, not waiting for my answer, mumbling something about a rabbit.
He was like one of the dwarfs in Snow White. I watched him, head poking forward like a chicken, arms hanging stiffly, as he half ran, half skipped down the path and out of sight. And I stayed there in the doorway and wanted to cry, but, ‘You mustn’t cry,’ Mother had said. ‘You must never cry.’
I didn’t want to go into my room and shut the door. Somehow. But I did, of course, because there was nothing else I could do. It was a small room with an iron bedstead, striped ticking mattress and a pile of bedding neatly folded at one end. It reminded me of boarding school. There was a threadbare rug by the bed and on the other side of the room a dark oak table with a Bible and a wooden crucifix on the wall above it. Opposite the bed stood a modern teak chest of drawers, and across the far corner a flowered chintz curtain, which I guessed was some makeshift wardrobe. My stuff had fallen and was spread over the floor, so I had to step over it to investigate. I was right. Behind the curtain was a rail with a few wooden hangers. There was no washbasin or loo, though. No ensuite! To be honest, it was about as bad as it could get. So where was the bathroom? I discovered it two doors down. Yellow walls, cork bath mat propped up against the side of the bath, and a canister of Vim with a blue J-cloth standing in the white basin. The only good thing about it all was as there were apparently no others staying, I would have the bathroom to myself. That was one thing at least.
I did manage to shove a few things away and make up the bed but, that done, I pulled the green velvet curtains, faded round the edges, across the windows to keep out the glaring sun and got under the blanket, pulled it over my head to shut out the light and tried to escape into sleep.
I hadn’t brought any photographs; just the snapshots in the back of my wallet. Photos were like crying. How hopeless to think crying could do anything. I liked the snapshots because the kids were smiling and happy. They had been happy, hadn’t they? But, with them gone, tears were trivial, almost an insult. It can’t be explained; only that there were four of us and now there’s just me. It’s really very simple. And the thing is, I don’t feel anything any more. No, it’s true. I absolutely don’t. Not proud of it, but there it is. If someone I knew, a friend say, came and told me that their kids had been killed in a plane disaster, I wouldn’t feel anything. I would be very sorry. Very sorry indeed, but I wouldn’t feel sorry. There is a difference. Am I psychopathic? I must be. No feelings, you see. So, I don’t cry and I didn’t bring any photos.
Chapter 2
Father Godfrey, Abbot of Burnham Abbey, looked at his watch; nearly an hour to lunch and he was already peckish. ‘I’ll put on weight if I’m not careful. Not good. Not good at all,’ he said to himself. He returned to the letter he was writing to his friend, Father Julian, Abbot of Wiltdown, about their move there. Details of this and that to be settled.
He leaned back in his chair and stared out at the gardens, the cedar tree and yes, as usual the rabbit was tied to the rope there, and nibbling away. He knew something had to happen in that department but preferred just now to put it out of his mind. Too many other things going on. They had this woman to deal with. What was her name? He found a piece of paper on which he had written Mrs Rose Gregory, arriving Saturday 10th June. He thought, Must remember her name: never been good at names – and getting worse.
He had no idea what they should do with her. Their only visitor. Her doctor – what was his name? – happened to be a colleague of their Dr Guy and knew from him about Burnham Abbey, the fact that they took visitors, and had phoned himself, explaining everything he could and asking that they keep an eye on her, adding that all she wanted was peace and quiet. Well, she would certainly get that here! But a woman alone! That was most awkward, very awkward indeed. But poor woman. What must it have been like to stand helpless, as in a split second both children, young children, were knocked down by a car. He thought that’s what the doctor said. Was it possible to recover from something like that? And then her husband leaving. Probably to escape the grief. Men were never very good with grief. His mind turned to B
rother Joseph’s grief after the death of Brother John. He sighed with weariness and, putting his elbows on the desk, held his head in his hands. ‘Oh yes! A dreadful situation,’ he said aloud, but probably it was best to leave her alone. We all have to find our own way in the end.
Now he felt helpless and lethargic. He had enough problems with all this moving business. Thirty-two years here; it was home. He looked back at the gardens, remembering the early days when there was a full complement of brothers, and money was not so tight. Then they kept the gardens in excellent shape and the vegetable gardens supplied the locals, who came regularly to buy fresh produce and eggs too. They had chickens where the dogs’ run is now, and bees. Their honey was well known in the area. But it was so different now; only eleven of them and no money, of course, to keep the place going, as they naturally had little support from the Church. And so, the amalgamation with Wiltdown. But it could be worse. Father Julian and he had trained together all those years ago, became friends and kept in touch. And in so many ways it would be a relief to have someone else in charge.
But what would happen to this place? Had been a grand – beautiful even – house. He supposed the builders would be all over it in five minutes. The house pulled down and the gardens probably covered in blocks of flats. Only the graveyard: that couldn’t be built on, for sure. Not hallowed ground. Oh well, it was not his problem and there was nothing he could do. But the graves must be left alone. Of course, it was possible someone might renovate the place and turn it into and old people’s home. He quite liked that idea. Perhaps one day he could move back himself!
Chapter 3
As I lay there with my eyes closed, I tried to regain my sense of positive reality, but I couldn’t. I thought, My body goes on automatically, but myself is somewhere else. I could see myself only as one remembers an old photograph; there was no more connection than that. I thought, No one understands that the real me is standing, waiting on another path. Then I said to myself, But I am living. It is me. It’s no one else. The hard work and the mistakes are mine; the friendships, the laughter, the fear and the despair are mine and the exhaustion is mine. And yet it was unreal to me. I was insubstantial, standing and watching myself. I often thought that if I could have just one long, deep sleep, the blissful sleep of a child, I’d be OK.